Issuing API Tokens
Issue an API token to call APIs.
What Is an API Token?
An API token is a unique identifier to request access to the API, and it is used to verify the permission to use the API. Therefore, the API token value should be entered on the Header to call the API. When the API token is not entered or is invalid, you cannot call the API. The status of the API token should be checked regularly using the Access API Token Information API since the service could be terminated in this case.
Check the expiration date of the API token.
An API token can be used for up to 90 days. It is not possible to renew the expiration date of an issued API token, so you must issue a new API token before it expires and change it.
Issuing an API Token
1. To Request Access to All Wallets.
get a global API token issued to call APIs for any wallet. 🔑 Owner
- Access the Console - [Developer Tools] - [API Token].
- Click the [Issue] button.
- An API token will be issued when a valid OTP authentication code is entered.
2. To Request Access to a Specific Wallet.
get a wallet-specific API token issued to call APIs for a certain wallet. 🔑 Owner, manager
- Access the Console - Select a wallet - [Wallet Settings] - [API Token].
- Click the [Issue] button.
- An API token will be issued when a valid OTP authentication code is entered.
Safely copy and store the issued API token.
The only time you can check the API token is when it is issued. Make sure to copy and securely store it to prevent any outside leakage.
Reissuing an API Token
Check the status of the API token regularly by accessing the [API Token] page using the console or by using the Access API Token Information API in order to ensure that you can call APIs. A new API token should be issued and replaced before the current API token expires. You can issue a new API token by following the methods below.
1. Using the Console to Issue API Tokens
You may reissue an API token by following the same step with [Issue an API Token] above. The previous API token does not expire even when you reissue one through this method.
2. Using the Reissue API Token API
You may reissue an API token by using the Reissue API Token API. The previous API token expires when you reissue one through this method.
Updated over 1 year ago